Experimental study of performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells in shortterm microgravity condition 质子交换膜燃料电池短时微重力性能实验研究
This paper introduces systematic structure of the hydrogen proton exchange membrane fuel cell engine. In order to solve the problem that the output voltage is easy to be influenced by each input condition, the systematic voltage output model is established by BP neural network. 研究了氢能质子交换膜燃料电池发动机的系统结构,针对发动机输出电压容易受系统各输入条件影响的问题,提出利用BP神经网络建立发动机系统电压输出模型。
In the process of inquiring into the formula of acid-base titration error under proton condition, this author, by applying the computer to his experiments, establishes a general form to calculate various titration errors. 本文在用质子条件推导酸碱滴定终点误差公式的过程中,确立了计算各类酸碱滴定终点误差的通用式,试用微机计算获得成功,计算结果与文献一致。
The proton conducting ceramic membranes have such the advantages for hydrogen permeation as the low cost, the high permselectivity, the resistance to high-temperature and the good chemical stability. They are very suitable to the dehydrogenation reactors on condition that the hydrogen permeation rate can be improved. 质子传导陶瓷膜可以以质子传递方式选择性透过氢,具有成本低、选择高,耐高温、热稳定及化学稳定性能好、不易中毒等特点,非常适合于脱氢膜反应器。
When the electrode is activated or in the state of high charge, the proton diffusion impedance decreases sharply. The proton transfer resistance on full charging condition is about 1/ 10 times of that before the activation. 电极活化后比活化前,尤其高荷电态比低荷电态质子扩散阻抗激剧减小,满荷电态时的质子转移电阻约相当于活化前的110。
It is a rigorous method to use the proton condition and distribution coefficient to treat the acid-base equilibrium in aqueous solution. 应用质子条件和分布系数处理水溶液中的酸碱平衡,是较严密的处理方法。